niedziela, 26 maja 2013

War goes on vl.2

 Zvezda hanomag  251/B. Nice model but I don't care for this version really so when I will get more of them I will have to convert them to later C version (and get some PSC ones because this is a little annoying, IMHO Zvezda missed some opportunities with those artificially old versions of everything for their 1941 WW Game. Some models are usable and grea but T34 mod 1940 is hardlyy seen anymore after first few months of war and Hanomag A nad B were the first 500 from around 15000 built, and obsolete in 1941 for almost a year already..). Its somewhat masked by few extras Ive added though. Mg34 shield needs replacement unfortunately as I don't like her.

As a bonus almost finished Zvezda Sdkfz 222 - thats model i can recommend to anyone. Its one of their best (but need patient and concentration in building. If you do it right its perfectly fitted, if you made mistake or not clean parts appropriately it will be like Frankensteins monster... And you have probably one chance to do it as some parts are very delicate and filigree..
Overall beautiful model that could be better painted in this example.

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